Rescued From His Worst Decision By His Best Decision

If you’re human, it’s probably safe to assume that you’ve made some pretty  bad decisions in your life.  I know I have.

Bad decisions include everything from lying to our parents, failing to study for a test, hanging out with irresponsible friends, choosing the wrong college or profession, getting involved in an unhealthy  relationship, wasting money on unnecessary items, to buying a house that wasn’t a good investment.  

Bad decisions aren’t hard to come by.  And we often don’t see them until it’s too late.  

Not all decisions are created equal.  Some are have a stronger impact than others.  I bet it wouldn’t take long for you to name what you consider your worst decision ever.

The good news about the above list is that they can all be repaired or overcome with some amount of work, effort, and time.  Generally, we have the opportunity to fix our mistakes.  That is unless the outcome is fatal.  There are no second chances when it comes to death.  

My son, Dalton, made unmistakably the worst decision of his life on May 14, 2020, when he ended his own life. 

But thankfully, as a young boy,  he made a critical decision that changed the trajectory of eternity for him.

Dalton’s best decision rescued him from his worst decision.  

His best decision came at the age of 7 when he accepted Christ into his heart and became a follower of Jesus.  This clearly didn’t crown him as perfect or prevent him from making mistakes and bad choices.  And it won’t do that for you either.  Being a Christian doesn’t grant any of us perfection.  God is fully aware we will all live with a sin nature as long as we’re on earth.  The essential factor is that Dalton’s willingness to put his trust in Christ delivered him straight into the arms of God when he took his last breath.

You may be wondering,  “How was he rescued if he died.?”  Rescued and died in the same sentence seems like an oxymoron.

The answer has everything to do with his relationship with Jesus.  Because he said yes to Christ, God said no to his eternal death.  Instead, Dalton began a new life in Heaven that will last forever. A gift that Jesus offers all of us for free

How do you “make the best decision of your life?”

It all starts with your desire for a relationship with Jesus so you, too, can be rescued from eternal death.  It’s simple, free, and offers endless hope while living in a pain-filled world.  You don’t have to “clean” your life up before God will accept you.  He invites you just as you are right now.  You are enough for Him.  God loves you and me with unending grace and mercy no matter how many mistakes we’ve made. 

None of us knows if or when our next decision will become our worst.  Fatal decisions are frequently camouflaged as routine, logical, or even fun.  Driving too fast because you are late to work.  Getting in a car with someone who drank more than you realized.  Turning in front of someone you thought was far enough away.  Taking your eyes off the road to read a text message.  Ingesting a pill you thought was safe, not realizing it was laced with a lethal ingredient. 

Fatal, split-second decisions may not give you the opportunity to stop and contemplate your eternal residence. 

Making the choice with a clear mind and honest heart sets you up to live with absolute assurance.   

If you haven’t made the same incredible decision that rescued Dalton, it’s never too late.  Now is the perfect time.   This short video with the trusted and well-respected Pastor Tony Evans will walk you through the simple steps.  

That’s it.  Nothing fancy, tricky, or difficult.

If you genuinely prayed this prayer with Pastor Tony Evans because you believe the words in your heart, you will not be disappointed. You will now have a loving Comforter by your side in every step of life. I encourage you to reach out to a local pastor or a fellow Christian who can help you get started along your path.  

No matter how you look at it, death on earth is final.   We get one life and that’s it.  But if we know Jesus who defeated death on the cross, it’s absolutely true that the grave has lost its grip on us.  We’ll live forever in Heaven one day.  And because I made the same best decision as Dalton, this world is not the end.  We’ll be together again.

Making your best decision won't miraculously eliminate pain in life or give you immunity to suffering, but it will provide assurance of that exact scenario forever in Heaven.  A scenario I wait for with much anticipation!


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